“Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever comparison of ways to quit” (Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 77,No. 4,554-561)
We all agree that smoking is a destructive habit but you have been told for years how difficult it is to quit smoking:
With Virtual Online Hypnotherapy, Mitchell V can unlock your subconscious and free you from smoking. You can use Hypnotherapy to Quit smoking. The majority of Mitchell's clients stop smoking after just one session. However, if a follow up session is required, within the crucial 30 day period, there is no extra charge.
With hypnosis, your thoughts about smoking and cigarettes change almost instantly.
Withdrawals can disappear, calmness is established and health is revitalised.
What most people have not yet realised, is what lies within your mind is an untapped ‘layer’ of programming that ‘steers’ our behaviour whether you are aware of it or not. We call this ‘layer’: “Neuro Associations”. We’re talking about tapping into the in-depth programming of the mind that has kept you smoking, even when you’ve tried all the other ways to quit.
Rewriting that program so you can effortlessly become the confident non-smoker you desire to be.
Imagine how wonderful it will feel to wake each morning feeling refreshed and able to breathe easily. Imagine how incredible it will be enjoying running around being able to do all you want to do without that tightness in your chest or gasping for air.
This is a fast and easy Quit Smoking session that allows you to quit smoking.
By reading the content on this page you've already decided you want to quit smoking and become a non smoker.
Appointments are usually booked well in advance, although we can usually book you an appointment for the following week.
Book a convenient day and time either on line or by calling us.
Attend your private, relaxing, one on one ONLINE Stop Smoking Session lasting approximately an hour and a half and finish off a healthy non smoker.