Are you tormented by the pressures of obsessive compulsive disorder?
Do you have to run your life around seemingly pointless repetitive rituals and behaviors in order to get any peace of mind?
People who have never experienced obsessive compulsive disorder find it very hard to understand - or accept. They can't understand why you can't just not count to a hundred, wash your hands for the fortieth time, open and shut the door in precisely that way - or whatever your compulsion is.
The trouble is - you can't understand it either. You only know that the feeling that you've got to do it is overwhelmingly powerful.
But brain programming can be changed. It is possible to reprogram your brain to feel quite calm and relaxed in the situation that used to set your alarm bells ringing. In other words, you can 'disassociate' that trigger from that automatic reaction, and replace it with a new, calm and detached response.
And hypnosis is the most powerful tool we know for carrying out safe and gentle brain programming.
This program is to help you retrain your brain safely and easily. As you repeatedly relax to thsessions, you will find yourself
Typically OCD involves experiencing obtrusive incessant worrying thoughts about something, and then developing behaviors that are an attempt to eliminate those thoughts. The thoughts may have a rational basis (did I lock the door?), or be nothing to do with the real world (the misalignment of my shoes means that I am in danger). Whether they are rational or irrational, they induce high levels of anxiety.
You already know that rational explanations do not help. You know (for example) that the position of shoes on the floor has no inherent meaning. But the feeling of danger is more powerful than this knowledge, and so you meticulously place them in exactly the right orientation to relieve that feeling, at least temporarily.
So essentially what is happening is that a strong negative arousal (anxiety, guilt, worry) has become associated with a certain trigger. When you are in the 'trigger' situation, you automatically experience the arousal. Rationality and choice do not come into it. It's as if your brain has been 'programmed' to react like this. And this is true.